VR Creation
Where to get 360 videos / images
(make sure you mark the Panorama as downloaded from Streetview)
How to create 360 experiences
Turn drawings in 360 images
Best used on a mobile device.
Draw on the grid
Take a photo of the grid
Upload to the Panoform website
Click on the Google Cardboard icon to view in 360
Make your own 360 video
Use a 360 camera or the Google Streetview app to create 360 images or
Use a 360 camera or download an image from Streetview Panorama downloader
import the video / image in iMovie
add a voice over / edit the movie etc
Add 360 video information using this link
upload to youtube and it turns into a 360 video
use your own images or downloaded ones
Add links to other 360 images
Add youtube videos, text, images, links
Google Tour Creator
built in way to to use streetview 360 images
use your own images or downloaded ones
add text, images, sounds
CoSpaces - create your own virtual world
use your own images or downloaded ones
Add objects to your 360 canvas
code and add animation to your VR world